Sunday 26 March 2017

Something to start with

Well, I had this plan to write something for long time, one beautiful Sunday afternoon I was almost certain - something should be done for this long desire which was haunting me over last few years, But most important question I had was: What to Write? While I started to scratch my head to find a topic, another thought just flashed, First of all Why should I write?  Instead of getting an answer for ‘what’, it started getting tougher for me to find the answer for ‘Why’ part, I really had no clue why I wanted to write something, but the feeling to do so wasn’t getting away from me,

As software professionals if we have no clue about something, first thing that strikes our mind is Google!!! Oh dear Google, You probably don’t know how many lives you have saved till today, Yeah like small kid who obeys mom’s order I just followed what mind was thinking, opened my laptop, clicked on the concentric circle with blue circle in middle surrounded by another with one third of read, greed and yellow each on my screen, bear with me there - that was a stupid explanation for Google chrome web browser logo, and straight away typed in ‘why do people write...’ answers started popping out without even letting me to complete as if there is no tomorrow.

Here are few of them
·         It’s a career? – Sure shot NO.
·         It’s a hobby? – may be
·         It’s a way to sort out the feelings? I have few close friends with whom my life was a open book.
·         Nothing in world makes me happier? – let me think about it, ahem – NO
·         Make a name? – Ha ha, I am too many light years away from it.
·         Write to change the world? – oops, too scary words, it does makes sense though but I was not in that path at least
·         Beliefs I need to share? Oh sounds interesting, first I thought its same as point #3, but felt they are different.
·         Write to connect with people with whom I never had contact otherwise? – yeah this one I tend to do a lot, add to bucket
·         It enables to find myself? Seriously? This one too? I though only travelling or facing a tough time would help, anyway +1 probably writing is very tough thing as well.
·         My girlfriend likes me write? Oh No, Someone help me please, But hold on, just got another topic to write, that would be one of my next topics.
·         It stops me from getting bored? May be, +1
·         Have lot of free time? Free time – as per my definition we can make ourselves free for anything if we really want to, it applies to as simple thing as calling friends and family instead of saying I am busy. So free time is something we should make instead of having it.
·         I enjoy writing? I was not quite sure about this, do I enjoy writing? Well let me see how it turns out.

While the list was getting endless, I halted there, did I find my answer? The nearest I could align myself within the list was - Beliefs i need to share, If possible find another myself, and start enjoy writing. These are all sounded true, but, on top of all of these I ended up with altogether a different answer, why should I write? In few words: “I should write because I have this long lasting desire to write” Initially I was little skeptical about it and I was resistant to accept it, but I felt it was actually true, yeah fulfilling something that our soul desires, should be a good enough reason to do it, not just writing - be it anything, Something is haunting us? Wake up and stand for it. that's what keeps us alive in true sense, chase the dreams and attain a feeling of accomplishment,

      OK, Now what to write? Never imagined i would write something about ‘writing’. It just begins here, with the tiny vocabulary I have. Oh wait, not here really, few years ago I had written a post in my blog: it was almost three and half years ago. I was just curious to put on my views after reading something on a website at that time. 

      While writing seem to be a skilled art, I am just a naive who wants to do something just because I have a desire to do, though I have cribbed whatever sense or nonsense I was thinking today, truly speaking I don’t even know what would be the title for this post, just named it as Something to start with, I am hoping to write something with an agenda, needed a beginning and possibly this might be a chance. As I always wish to travel, go to new places, meet new people and make friends with them I have lot travel stories, probably I will start there, or write some logical opinion which may sound totally illogical to others, a review on something, or just like today as found this writing itself can be a topic to begin with, I may find something interesting. But a spark has been ignited; I have to check if I can fuel it time to time to keep it on.

        Somewhere I have read this: “Before we write something we have to read a lot” that absolutely seems true to me, it improves our vocabulary and way we see things, damn!!!! What am I doing then? Just finished a famous Kannada book “Chidambara Rahasya” written by K.P. Poornachandra Tejaswi, time to pick new one. 
